Wednesday, September 9, 2015

All Coffee Mugs Have Their Story

It’s my belief that behind every coffee mug is a story.   Some take longer to be told than others, some are straight forward, some are mysteries. This story is the latter and the inspiration if you all for this blog.

I had a brother from out of town staying with me.  He was also visiting several of my siblings in town.  One day he came into our house carrying a coffee mug.   I was not sure where he got it, but it was interesting enough for me to notice it.   After he left, we found it in our kitchen cupboard.    My wife and I thought, “Oh, it was a gift.  He must know the family passion for coffee, and thought this would be a nice gift.   Funny that he didn’t mention it”.

That was in early September.    We continued to use it as it was now one of “our” mugs.    That Thanksgiving we were hosting an extended family gathering and we served coffee after dinner.    Since we had this mug now in our regular routine, we used it that day.   After setting it down on the table, another brother of mine said with a surprised look on his face, “I have been looking for that mug!”    

So much for the gift, but it makes for a great story that we still tell often. 


  1. When I saw the mug in the picture I once again thought "Hey--that's my mug!" You guys obviously took a picture of it before I confiscated it from you--or I forget--did you re-gift it to me? Anyway,I just used it today. Brother Dan

    1. Good question. I had thought that you had taken it home the day of the story, but now that you mention it, we may re-gifted it Christmas that same year.

      I was also interested that you noticed this post -- the serendipitous nature of social tools. Got it picture of a mug you like -- #umugit it will show up in the photo stream here. Got a story -- @UMugItNow or e-mail to
